Reservations 877·97·CRAFT  (877·972·7238)

The Secrets of Andean Knitting

Instructor: Gwen Bortner       Class Capacity: 25
Class Level: Advanced      

Description ~ The Secrets of Andean Knitting

Some of the most beautiful, colorful and intricate knitting patterns hail from South  America. What makes these designs so intriguing is not just the bright colors, but also the combination of numerous techniques within a single project and often a single row.


Learn the secrets of how the various techniques are merged to create a beautiful project of your own. Gain hands-on experience while starting a pair of wrist warmers. 

Materials Needed ~ The Secrets of Andean Knitting

Yarn - 2 oz of main color (black, white or natural) and 4-6 or more - 1 oz balls of bright contrasting colors in smooth finger weight wool yarn.


Needles - appropriate to yarn and preferred small circumference knitting technique.

Homework ~ The Secrets of Andean Knitting

None -- but be prepared to knit like crazy in class!